Chris & Mike joined The Protectors Podcast™ to talk about their path into podcasting, their love of thrillers, and a ton more! Chris & Mike host the popular NO LIMITS PODCAST!
About: Chris recently graduated from Cornell with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and now lives in Maryland working as a researcher at NIH. He lives with his wife Caroline and two kids. Chris grew up in Northern Virginia and attended high school on Capitol Hill. When not reading thriller novels, he’s searching for the next thriller novel to read. Mike is a social studies teacher in Washington, D.C. and lives with his wife Rose across the Potomac in Alexandria, Virginia. Their black cat, Bert, can’t tell whether Mike spends more hours in a week reading or making homemade pizza.
Make sure to check out Jason on IG @drjasonpiccolo
Chris & Mike joined The Protectors Podcast™ to talk about their path into podcasting, their love of thrillers, and a ton more! Chris & Mike host the popular NO LIMITS PODCAST!
About: Chris recently graduated from Cornell with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and now lives in Maryland working as a researcher at NIH. He lives with his wife Caroline and two kids. Chris grew up in Northern Virginia and attended high school on Capitol Hill. When not reading thriller novels, he’s searching for the next thriller novel to read. Mike is a social studies teacher in Washington, D.C. and lives with his wife Rose across the Potomac in Alexandria, Virginia. Their black cat, Bert, can’t tell whether Mike spends more hours in a week reading or making homemade pizza.
Make sure to check out Jason on IG @drjasonpiccolo